Sunday, April 29, 2018

No Space

I’ve talked about this before but I feel like I need to talk about it again. Maybe more so for myself this time.

We all have a voice inside of us that tries to rent negative space. It’s that small voice that tells us we aren’t good enough, that we will ruin something, that we won’t succeed. And every time it pops up and we acknowledge it, we’re allowing it to pay rent and occupy space. But if we reject its attempt to pay rent, if we counteract it with a truth we know - we are good enough, what happens doesn’t mean we ruined something, or that with determination we will succeed; we’re giving that voice it’s eviction notice.


I know it's hard. It's hard to shut down any kind of negative in life because it seems like negativity breeds negativity; and I can see or understand a temporary rental but please don't ever lease the space inside of you to that voice. Don't allow it to tear you down. Don't allow the words that others say be the currency for your voices rent money. Don't compare yourself to others because then you're just adding a roommate. 


 You have come so far in life, even if your greatest accomplishment today was getting out of bed. Dig deep if you have to in order to recognize all the amazing things that you have done, and just how amazing you truly are. Because at the end of the day, that negative space inside your head will eventually stop trying to rent space if you keep finding all the good that is YOU. And if you don't see any of this in yourself, let someone else see it in you, for you. 


 "Are you going to let one brick break down a great masterpiece?" - JG